Information for participants



The “2022 Aegean Messinia Pro-Am” is open to all PGA Members and trainees as recognised by their respective National PGA. A limited number of exemptions may be considered provided that the Professional is a member in good standing of an organisation that is considered a Professional Member of the International Golf Federation. Any doubts as to eligibility will be decided by the Confederation of Professional Golf (CPG) Board of Directors whose decision will be final.


Amateur participants must be in possession of a valid handicap certificate.


Tuesday 13 September               Arrivals
Wednesday 14 September          Official Practice Round & Welcome Reception
Thursday 15 September             Round 01
Friday 16 September                Round 02
Saturday 17 September             Round 03, Gala Dinner & Prize Giving Ceremony


In line with the current COVID-19 climate, the CPG have outlined all measures in place for the tournament in line with Health & Safety and social distancing guidelines.

It is the responsibility of ALL PLAYERS to have read this policy document before arriving at the tournament.


CPG Registration:

Online team registration via Golf Genius for Professionals will be operational from 10:00hrs on Thursday 01 September [information sent via email prior to the tournament and accessible at the tournament noticeboard]. This MUST be completed before 12:00hrs (local time) on Wednesday 14 September.

Physical registration desks for whole team registration will be operational from the beginning of the tournament week located at the entrance of the Foyer of the Romanos hotel (house of events, upper level next to reception). All players are required to register by 12:00hrs on Wednesday 14 September in person.

It is the Professional’s responsibility to confirm their Amateur Teammates current handicap upon registration and MUST provide an updated handicap certificate, dated within two weeks of the start of the event, either as a print-out or as a document/image that can be shared with the Event Staff/CPG via email. Failure to do so will result in the amateur playing off a handicap of 0.0.

Data Use:

Participants agree that their personal data may be given to third parties for reasons related to timing, results’ ranking and announcement on the internet. Personal data of the participants required during the registration procedure are stored and will be used for purposes only related to the staging of the event [unless otherwise opted-in to]. By submitting an entry form, each participant consents to the storing of his/her personal data and its use for the purposes of the event.

Participants consent to the use of their image during the event by the organisers, sponsors, or other partners of the event for promotional purposes, with no right to claim full or partial compensation for that reason.


The event shall be played under The R&A Rules of Golf, the Tournament Regulations of the CPG, the 2020 CPG Conditions of Competition and the local rules for The Dues, Hills and International Olympic Academy Courses, as determined by the CPG Chief Referee.

Professional Competition:

The Professionals will compete in a 54-hole individual strokeplay competition.

Team Competition:

Teams (consisting of 1 Professional and 3 Amateurs) will compete over 54 holes stableford with the best two scores from the team of four to count on each hole.

The handicap index limit is 28 for men and 36 ladies. This handicap index will be sloped first, then reduced to a 75% allowance. The resulting playing handicap will also be limited to 28 for men and 36 for ladies. The World Handicapping System [WHS] will apply to the tournament and each amateur will play from the applicable playing handicap.



  • 4 overall team prizes (1stt, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) will be awarded in the 54-Hole Pro-Am
  • Longest Drive (Men, all 3 courses separately, Round TBC)
  • Longest Drive (Ladies, all 3 courses separately, Round TBC)
  • Nearest to the Pin (Men, all 3 courses separately, Round TBC]
  • Nearest to the Pin (Ladies, all 3 courses separately, Round TBC]
  • Hole in One Award

In the event of a tie in the Pro-Am category, prizes will be determined by a card countback based on the scores achieved over the last 18 holes, then 9, 6, 3, and last hole.


  • Prize Fund – The Professional Prize Fund is €70,000 based on 75 teams competing in the Pro- The Prize Fund is subject to change, and subject to a CPG 5% Levy.
  • Longest Drive (all 3 courses separately, Round TBC)
  • Nearest to the Pin (all 3 courses separately, Round TBC]

Any disputes regarding the interpretation of these Conditions of Competition will be settled by the CPG Tournament Director in consultation with Aegean Airlines and Costa Navarino and will be binding.

In the event of a tie in the Professionals tournament there will be a sudden death play-off, which will take place straight after all players confirmed their scores after Round 3. The play-off will take place on The Dunes Course. The holes that will be used will be confirmed on the tournament noticeboard.


The starting times for Round 01 and 02 of the Pro-Am will be published on the noticeboards in the Costa Navarino House of Events and sent by email by 14.00hrs on Wednesday 14 September. The starting times for Round 03 will be published on the noticeboards in the Costa Navarino House of Events and sent by email following completion of Round 02. The order of play for Round 03 will be based on strict professional score order.

Teams will be split in to 3 flights, each playing a different course each day – i.e. 3 courses will be in simultaneous rotation.

NOTE: No changes to the draws will be permitted once they are posted and the decision of the Tournament Director will be final.


All competitors are required to be at their starting tee 10 minutes prior to their start time. This is to allow the starter to provide pin positions, local rules and additional information to each player. This also ensures that all team members are present and able to start on time.

NOTE: Female Professionals will play from a course that is not shorter than 10-14% shorter than the total course yardage of the course played by the male Professionals. The Chief Referee will vary the tees as necessary to ensure the fairness of the holes and the event.

Male Amateurs that are 65 years or older are permitted to play of the red teebox on all 3 courses. If you wish to let one of your amateurs play from the front tee, please send an e-mail to no later then Tuesday, 19hrs.

Missing team members including the PGA Professional may be subject to penalty if the team in question fails to meet the points highlighted in 20.1 of the CPG tournament Regulations

NOTE: When both Professional and the team are subject to a two-stroke penalty for lateness on the tee, the team total for the first hole will be increased by two shots prior to any penalty being added to the Professional’s individual score for that hole.


All competitors will be permitted to ride in buggies for the practice rounds and the tournament rounds of the Pro-Am.


The Professional will record scores using the Golf Genius app. Please ensure you have downloaded the Golf Genius App on your smartphone in advance of the tournament.

One of your amateurs will be responsible for marking the team score using a paper scorecard as well. All scores MUST be returned and finalised at the Tournament Office immediately following play.


There will be a CPG Rules Official on each course at all times to deal with any disputes.

If, however, there is no Rules Official present the player may invoke Rule 20.1c(3) (two ball rule). The player must nominate the ball with which he wants to score, should the rules permit, and report the facts to a CPG Official immediately after the conclusion of play. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.


All competitors will be permitted to use distance-measuring devices provided they measure distance only. If a player has any doubt as to whether a device is conforming, they should seek the advice of a CPG official.


For everyone’s enjoyment we ask for each team to “keep up with the team in front, and not in front of the team behind”. If a player is not going to score on a hole, he/she is requested to please “pick up”. A Pace of Play will be enforced on the courses.

It will be the Professional’s responsibility to ensure that the team’s pace of play adheres to the guidelines of the Tournament Director.

A pace of pay policy will be published for each course and has to be followed be all participants!


In the event of bad weather and an overall result not being possible, the overall result will be decided over completed rounds.

All players should make themselves aware of the Suspension of Play Policy, which can be found on the CPG Hard Card – Section A11. In all instances when there is a threat of lightning the player should put their own safety first and seek shelter as soon as possible.

In the event of unforeseen circumstances any decision shall be made by the CPG and, in consultation with Aegean Airlines and Costa Navarino, will be binding.


Normal Golf clothing is to be worn during the tournament or the equivalent after golf. Professionals are permitted to wear shorts throughout the practice and tournament rounds.

Dress code will be indicated for each advertised function.


The local currency is Euro [EUR].


CPG Tournaments: Christiane Stenger +44 (0) 20 71 83 59 83

Aegean Messinia Pro-Am: